Enter your mobile number to receive your verification code
No spaces and special charaters.
As a final step, please enter your mobile number to receive a text message which will allow you to verify your account.
(This is a one-time text to your mobile)
Please Activate YourActivating YourAccount
is our payments partner and will allow you to immediately accept donations.
Once your fundraising campaign begins receiving online donations, the funds will be transferred by Stripe as soon as it is available.The process may take a day or two depending on your withdrawal schedule (which can be set to daily, weekly, or monthly), location, your bank, and your campaign status. If you want to find out more, you can review Stripe's tutorial page for payouts- https://stripe.com/docs/payouts#standard-payout-timing.
Don't worry, withdrawing the money does not affect the progress meter that's displayed on your Fundly campaign.
For Stripe to be able to transfer the funds, you also have to provide them your banking information. Simply go to your FUNDS tab and click the 'Complete Withdrawal Setup' button if you haven't done so. You just need to fill-up the Stripe form and you're all set!
Once your fundraising campaign begins receiving online donations, the funds will be transferred by Stripe as soon as it is available.The process may take a day or two depending on your withdrawal schedule (which can be set to daily, weekly, or monthly), location, your bank, and your campaign status. If you want to find out more, you can review Stripe's tutorial page for payouts- https://stripe.com/docs/payouts#standard-payout-timing.
Don't worry, withdrawing the money does not affect the progress meter that's displayed on your Fundly campaign.
For Stripe to be able to transfer the funds, you also have to provide them your banking information. Simply go to your FUNDS tab and click the 'Complete Withdrawal Setup' button if you haven't done so. You just need to fill-up the Stripe form and you're all set!